
About Us

About Us

What is CHARIS Malaysia?

Name and Purpose

  1. CHARIS MALAYSIA(CM) or CHARIS MALAYSIA NATIONAL SERVICE of COMMUNION, is the national service organism for all expressions for Catholic Charismatic Renewal(or CCR). It is connected to CHARIS INTERNATIONAL, a body set up by His holiness Pope Francis in 2018. It is a current of grace whose appearance in the Catholic Church in 1967 came as a fruit of the Second Vatican Council. Common to all expressions of Catholic Charismatic Renewal is the experience of the fruits of Pentecost through on outpouring of spiritual gifts called Baptism in the Holy Spirit, involving a personal encounter with Jesus Christ as Saviour, an openness to the Word of God, to exercising the charisms and to evangelisation in faithful service of the Church. CHARIS promotes and strengthens communion among all Charismatic realities, fostering a sense of the national & international family of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal.
  2. Recognising Catholic Charismatic Renewal as part of an ecumenical current of grace, CHARIS is an instrument to promote and work for unity in the body of Christ, as expressed in the prayer of Jesus Christ (Jn:17)
  3. As an organism of service, CHARIS exercises no jurisdiction over the Catholic Charismatic Renewal, since all expressions of CCR are directly under the jurisdiction of the local ecclesiastical authorities.
  4. Dioceses which are in close proximity are encouraged to form a regional body (Regional Service of Communion) to collaborate the activities of CCR at a regional level (E.g. Sabah Service of Communion, Sarawak Service of Communion, Peninsular Malaysia Service of Communion).


Roles Names
Episcopal Advisor Archbishop John Wong
Coordinator Anthony Lim
Asst. Coordinator Simon Matthew
Secretary Paul Wong
Treasurer Hector Jintoni
Youth Rep Paul Julianose
Intercessory Rep Priscilla Henry
Women's Rep Margaret Cor
Diocese Reps
Kota Kinabalu Hector Jintoni
Sandakan Adaris Moses Sintan
Keningau Jika George
Kuching Paul Wong
Miri Margaret Cor
Sibu Eric Ling
Kuala Lumpur Matthew Cheah
Melaka-Johor Fr Paul Sia
Penang Adeline Sum


  1. To help deepen and promote the grace of Baptism in the Holy Spirit throughout the Church.
  2. To promote the exercise of charisms not only in Catholic Charismatic Renewal but also in the whole Church.
  3. To encourage the spiritual deepening and holiness of people who live the experience of baptism in the Holy Spirit.
  4. To encourage commitment to evangelisation, particularly throught the new evangelisationand the evangelisation of culture, while respecting religious freedom.
  5. To encourage cooperation between communities born from the Catholic Charismatic Renewal, with a view of making the experience of these particular communities available for the good of all.
  6. To promote the ecumenical dimension of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal and foster the commitment to serving the unity of all Christians.
  7. To identify and promote specific topics that can help deepen the grace of Pentecost.
  8. To encourage networking and cooperation between realities within the Catholic Charismatic Renewal in the areas of formation, evangelisation etc.
  9. To promote service of the poor and social action through the Catholic Charismatic Renewal, which may also include supporting other bodies related to the service of the poor and social action at the diocesan level.
  10. To organize training and formation opportunities, according to the needs expressed by the National gathering of leaders of CHARIS MALAYSIA (CM) / NSC


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